"Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Jesus invites us to make such a Bold Impact in the lives of others that it causes people to praise God. Check out some of the ways that Shepherd Global Partners are making a Bold Impact around the world for Jesus. Our priorities are clean water, medical care, education, and freedom from labor and/or sexual exploitation.

Shepherd Global Partners help the poorest and marginalized have access to clean water, medical care, education and freedom from labor and/or sexual exploitation.

Clean Water - Worldwide, one in three people do not have access to safe drinking water, two out of five people do not have a basic hand-washing facility with soap and water, and more than 673 million people still practice open defecation (un.org).

Shepherd Church partners with Iberoamerican Ministries: Utilizing the simple, affordable and portable method of manual borehole making, our teams have provided the country with over 300 wells since 2011. This means that thousands of people no longer have to labor to find clean drinking water, nor suffer the deadly effects of consuming contaminated water (IAM).

Medical Care - At least half of the world’s population cannot obtain essential health services, and nearly 100 million people are being pushed into extreme poverty each year due to the out-of-pocket health expenses they must pay (un.org).

Shepherd Church partners with Bethesda Medical Hospital and Hohidiai Medical Clinic:

Bethesda Mission Hospital with 125 beds, the hospital admits and cares for an average of 5000 inpatients a year. In addition, the outpatient department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and treats an average of 25,000 patients a year.

Hohidiai Medical Clinic sees up to 12,000 patients a year and offers free general medical, optical and dental care. These patients are amongst the poorest and without the clinic, may not have been able to receive care and treatment for their illnesses.

Education -Barriers to education include poverty, disabilities, ethnic minority status, gender, and living in rural areas. War, civil unrest, famine, and natural disasters also contribute significantly to lack of education.

Seeds of Hope schools provide a unique environment that reinforces self-esteem, inspires creativity, and teaches conflict resolution skills for children living in continuous political conflict and unrest. The nurturing atmosphere allows every student to learn basic subjects such a math and English through positive reinforcement, which has proven to be a higher success rate for retention and graduation.

Freedom from labor and/or sexual exploitation - There are 40+ million people in slavery globally. That’s more than ever before in human history. Slavery is a multibillion-dollar industry, generating $150 Billion annually. 1 in 4 victims of forced labour slavery is a child (IJM).

Shepherd Church created Freedom Arise, a ministry that partners with various organizations locally and abroad to end trafficking.