Outreach & Serving

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its 
various forms.
—1 Peter 4:10

You can also speak with the church staff or volunteer leaders to get more information and to ask any questions you may have. Once you have identified a group or ministry that interests you, don't be afraid to jump in and get involved! Attending a small group meeting or volunteering for a service project is a great way to meet new people and begin to feel connected to the broader church community. Whatever your interests or gifts may be, there is likely a ministry or group that could benefit from your involvement, and we encourage you to explore those opportunities as you seek to grow in your faith and serve others.

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In the Church

In the Church

Volunteering is a great way to make a positive impact. There are many opportunities to get involved and make a difference. From helping direct traffic, to greeting at the door, to operating a camera or even in serving with kids, there are countless ways you can have an impact at Shepherd.

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In the Community

In the Community

Sign up to serve as a part of the Shepherd GO Team and make an impact in your community!

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Partner with Shepherd as we serve the most unreached countries of the world on the most pressing issues of our time. Through Bible translation, discipleship, and meeting the basic needs of people, we want to share the love of Christ with everyone.

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Upcoming Events

View all Shepherd Events
Homeless Meals
Homeless Meals
Next Meeting: Jan 04, 11:00 AM
Parking Structure
Homeless Outreach
Homeless Outreach
Next Meeting: Jan 04, 1:00 PM
Parking Structure
Undeck the Halls
Undeck the Halls
Jan 06, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Undeck the Halls
Undeck the Halls
Jan 07, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Undeck the Halls
Undeck the Halls
Jan 08, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Blanket Blessings
Blanket Blessings
Next Meeting: Jan 08, 10:00 AM
MC 104

Looking for a place to use your talents for God?

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